Product Documentation


About FusionInvoice - 2024

System Settings


System Settings & UI

  • Header Title Text: This is where you can enter the title that appears in the header of your FusionInvoice. This is likely your company name.
  • Custom Fields Display Columns: choose how you want your layout.
    1. 1: display one custom field per row that is stretched across the screen.
    2. 2: display two custom fields per row that are 50% of the screen width.
    3. 3: display three custom fields per row that are 1/3 of the screen width.
  • Version shows what version of FusionInvoice you are on. You can also check if there are updated available.
  • Default Company Profile: choose which company profile FusionInvoice will default to if you have more than one.
  • Require Tag(s) on Client Notes: when turned on, users will not be able to save a note unless a tag as been added to it.
  • Results Per Page: allows you to choose how many results show up per page when you search for a record.
  • Address Format: determines what order the address information will show. This will not format the address for the New Client Page- only in Quotes and Invoices.
  • Skin: change your FusionInvoice to Light or Dark Mode.
  • Top Bar Color: change the color of the top bar of your FusionInvoice. This can be a great way to differentiate between company profiles.
  • Allow Line Item Discounts: turns on the ability to add a discount per line item.

Localization & Timezones

  • Language: set the language for your FusionInvoice.
  • Date Format: set the order for the month/date/year.
  • Use 24 Hour Time Format: allows either for 12 or 24 hour time formats.
  • Timezone: set which timezone your company is based in.


  • Base Currency: select which currency your business uses.
  • Exchange Rate Mode: choose if the exchange rate is calculated automatically through the exchange rate API that FusionInvoice uses, or if the exchange rate will be calculated manually.
  • Number of Tax Fields: choose between one or two tax fields for a line item.
  • Number of Decimals for Quantities and Amounts: choose the required total of decimals for your quantity and amount values.
  • Number of Decimals for Tax Rounding: select your required number of decimals for tax rounding calculations.

*Note- currency can also be changed on an invoice and client record.


  • Use Captcha in Login: if set to Yes, it will require users to answer a Captcha question before logging in.
  • Force HTTPS: will force SSL, however, we do not recommend you utilize this setting. Use your server configuration file to do this. Force HTTPS will be removed a future version.


Dashboard Settings

  • System Default Time Period for Widgets: from the drop down you can select the date range you require or set a custom date range.

KPI Cards

KPI Cards are color coded cards that display key performance indicators at the top of your dashboard. It is a way to know what is going on with your finances and invoices at a glance.

  • Draft Invoices: shows the amount there is to be earned from invoices in Draft status.
  • Sent Invoices: shows the amount there is to be earned from your invoices that have been sent to the client.
  • Overdue Invoices: shows the amount that has not yet been collected from overdue invoices.
  • Payments Collected: shows the amount from all your successfully paid invoices.
  • Draft Quotes: shows the amount that can be earned from your drafted quotes.
  • Sent/Pending Quotes: shows the amount that can be earned from your sent quotes if the client approves.
  • Rejected Quotes: shows the amount lost from quotes the client did not approve.
  • Approved Quotes: shows the amount that has been approved by clients.

Sales Chart

The Sales Chart shows your invoice and payment totals in a line graph.

  • Column Width: dashboard widgets use the Bootstrap grid system. Full width will stretch the widget across the column. Dynamic width will automatically adjust the widget to the size of your screen and other widgets.
  • Accumulate Totals: when enabled this will add your previous day sales total in the form of a line graph.

Open Invoice Aging

This shows the dollar amount of unpaid invoices that are overdue.

  • Column Width: dashboard widgets use the Bootstrap grid system. Full width will stretch the widget across the column. Dynamic width will automatically adjust the widget to the size of your screen and other widgets.

Task List

This widget allows you to work with the Task List module directly from your Dashboard.

  • Column WidthL dashboard widgets use the Bootstrap grid system. Full width will stretch the widget across the column. Dynamic width will automatically adjust the widget to the size of your screen and other widgets.
  • Include Time In Due Date: allows you to specify a date and time that a task is to be completed. When it is set to No, only the date value is used.


The Timeline widget shows you a chronological and searchable list of important system events, such as client status changes, invoices emailed, payments taken, noted added, and more.

  • Column Width: dashboard widgets use the Bootstrap grid system. Full width will stretch the widget across the column. Dynamic width will automatically adjust the widget to the size of your screen and other widgets.

Recent Client Activity

This widget shows client interactions, such as payments made and invoices/quotes viewed, from your public invoice/quote links.

  • Column Width: dashboard widgets use the Bootstrap grid system. Full width will stretch the widget across the column. Dynamic width will automatically adjust the widget to the size of your screen and other widgets.


  • Default Invoice Template: select the template that the system defaults to when creating a new invoice. Custom templates should be placed in .\custom\templates\invoice_templates\ and must be named with a .bladephp extension.
  • Default Document Number Scheme: select the document number scheme used, by default, when creating new invoices. The Document Number Scheme can be created within the Configuration Settings.
  • Invoices Due After (Days): the due date of the invoice will be the invoice date plus the number of days entered here.
  • Default Status Filter: this controls the filter setting of the invoices listed, by default, in the Invoice module's invoices list.
  • Default Terms: the default text value for invoice terms when a new invoice is created. This is seen on the invoice by the client.
  • Default Footer: the default text value for invoice footer when a new invoice is created. This is seen on the invoice by the client.
  • Automatically Email Recurring Invoices: when the daily task runner (CRON job) executes and generates a live invoice from a recurring invoice template, should that newly created invoice be automatically emailed to the client? This can be overridden on a client-by-client basis.
  • Automatically Email Payment Receipts: when a payment is made by a client using a public invoice link or by a FusionInvoice user within the application, should a payment receipt email be automatically sent? This can be overridden on a client-by-client basis.
  • Online Payment Method: choose which payment method is recorded on the payment entry at the top of a public invoice link. This is what the client will click on to pay the invoice.
  • QR-Code on Invoice and Quote: select whether or not a QR Code, which routes to the Invoice/Quote's public URL, should be displayed on the document. This can be for viewing the invoice online, copying the invoice, or printing the invoice.
  • Allow Invoice Delete: allowing users to delete invoices can cause accountability and traceability issues. A better option is to change an invoice status to 'Cancelled'. This zeros the invoice balance, but maintains a record of the invoice having been created. User permissions can override this, unless it is set to No.
  • Show Invoices From: choose whether the 'mail from' address field on an invoice is from the user who created the invoice or from the System Mail Address. This is set up in System Settings>Email.
  • Secure and Expire Public Invoice Links: when enabling secure links you must also set the number of days after which the invoice link will expire. BY doing this, a client may view their public invoice link until it expires.
  • If Invoice is Emailed While in Draft Status: choose if you want the invoice date to stay as is or switch to the date it is sent on.


  • Default Quote Template: select the template that the system defaults to when creating a new quote. Custom templates should be placed in .\custom\templates\quote_templates\ and must be named with a .bladephp extension.
  • Default Document Number Scheme: select the document number scheme used, by default, when creating new invoices. The Document Number Scheme can be created within the Configuration Settings.
  • Quote Expire After (Days): the default number of days, past the quotes creation date, that the quote will expire. When a quote expires without being approved, it is understood that pricing may change.
  • Default Status Filter: the status filter will be applied, by default, when viewing the invoices list.
  • Automatically Convert Quote to Invoice When Client Approves: when a quote is approved, this causes am invoice to be automatically created from the quote.
  • When a Quote Is Converted to An Invoice: when the quote is converted into an invoice, should the payment terms be used from the quote or from the default invoice terms setting?
  • Default Terms: the default text value for the quote terms in the Terms and Conditions section. This is seen on the invoice by the client.
  • Default Footer: the default text value for the quote footer when a new quote is created. This is seen on the quote by the client.
  • If Quote Is Emailed While in Draft Status: choose if you want the quote date to stay as is or switch to the date it is sent on. Remember, when the quote is emailed, the status will change automatically from 'Draft' to 'Sent'.


  • Default Item Tax Item: this is the primary tax rate that should automatically be applied to new line items added to invoices or quotes.
  • Default Item Tax 2 Rate: this is the secondary tax rate that should be automatically applied to new line items added to invoices or quotes.
  • Enable VAT ID: allows you to enter an entity's value-added tax identification number.

Note: tax rates are maintained through Configuration>Tax Rates.


  • Email Sending Method: choose which program you'd like to send emails through. If left blank there will be no emails. We strongly recommend SendGrid API.
  • Reply To Address: enter the email that clients can reply to.
  • Always CC Address: enter the email you want a carbon copy of the emails you send to go to.
  • Always BCC Address: enter the email you want a blind carbon copy of the emails you send to go to.
  • Send Email Test to: you can send a test email to see if everything looks and is operating as you want it to. Enter the email and press the 'Send Test Email' button.
  • Mail From Address: enter the email the correspondence is coming from.
  • Mail From Name: enter the name of the person or entity the correspondence is coming from.

Email Templates

Find Email Templates Here

In this section you can customize the emails that go out to customers for quotes, invoices, credit memos, overdue invoices, payment receipts, and upcoming payment notices.

The Overdue Invoices and Upcoming Payment Notices allow you you choose the frequency in which the reminder email is sent out.

  • Overdue Invoice Reminder Frequency: can be set with a comma separated list of days AFTER an invoice is due to send the reminder. Leave empty to disable overdue invoice reminders. For example, a value of 1,5,10 would send reminders 1, 5 and 10 days after the invoice is due.
  • Upcoming Payment Notices Frequency: can be set by a comma separated list of days BEFORE an invoice is due to send the reminder. Leave empty to disable upcoming payment notices. For example, a value of 1,5 would send notices 1 and 5 days before the invoice is due.


  • Paper Size: choose if you want the PDF to be letter sized, A4 sized, or legal sized.
  • Paper Orientation: choose if you'd prefer your PDF to show in portrait or landscape.
  • PDF Driver: allows you to choose your PDF driver.

Online Payments

  • Enabled: select Mollie as a payment gateway.
  • API Key: enter your API key.
  • Payment Button Text: type what you'd like the button to say. This is the button that will appear on an invoice that will take the payer to the payment gateway.

  • Enabled: select PayPal as a payment gateway.
  • Client ID: enter the client ID that PayPal provides to you.
  • Client Secret: enter the client secret provided by PayPal.
  • Mode: switch between Sandbox and Live mode.
  • Payment Button Text: type what you'd like the button to say. This is the button that will appear on an invoice that will take the payer to the payment gateway.

  • Enabled: select Stripe as a payment gateway.
  • Publishable Key: enter your publishable key that Stripe provides to you.
  • Secret Key: enter the secret key provided by Stripe.
  • API Version: select which API version you are operating on.
  • Payment Button Text: type what you'd like the button to say. This is the button that will appear on an invoice that will take the payer to the payment gateway.

Online Payment Processing Fee

  • Enable Online Payment Processing Fee: turn on/off fees for online payments. This has a global system setting, but may also be overridden on an individual client basis.
  • Fee Percentage: the percentage of the invoice total to be charged as the online payment processing fee, also known as a convenience fee.
  • Fee Name: input the fee name that will show on the invoice. Ie. 'Credit Card Convenience Fee'.
  • Fee Explanation: input an explanation of the fee to be displayed on the invoice. Ie.'A 3% free is assessed for all credit card transactions'.


The System shows you whether your current hosting environment meets FusionInvoice system requirements.


The Timeline tab will only show up if the timeline has not been generated. This is usually due to having used FusionInvoice before the 2020 versions. Pressing the generate timeline button will create the timeline on your dashboard.
