Product Documentation


About FusionInvoice - 2024

Email Templates

What are email templates?

Quote Email Templates

Invoice Email Templates

Payment Receipt Email Templates

What are email templates?

Email templates allow customization of email sent from FusionInvoice. The templates are located in System Settings on the Email tab and can contain HTML and a number of dynamic variables which will be replaced with the appropriate values when the email is sent.

*Starting with version 2019-3 and later, Custom Fields may be used within all email templates. They should be referenced using the customField('Field_Label') function. Ie. {{ $invoice->client->customField('Favorite Color') }}

Quote Email Template

The variables listed below can be used in the following fields in System Settings on the Email tab:

  • Quote Email Subject
  • Default Quote Email Body
  • Quote Approved Email Body
  • Quote Rejected Email Body
  • Quote Information
    • Issue Date: {{ $quote->formatted_created_at }}
    • Expiration Date: {{ $quote->formatted_expires_at }}
    • Number: {{ $quote->number }}
    • Status: {{ $quote->status_text }}
    • Summary: {{ $quote->summary }}
    • Public URL: {{ $quote->public_url }}
    • Terms: {{ $quote->formatted_terms }}
    • Footer: {{ $quote->formatted_footer }}
    • Total Amount: {{ $quote->amount->formatted_total }}
  • Client Information
    • Name: {{ $quote->client->name }}
    • Address: {{ $quote->client->formatted_address }}
    • Phone: {{ $quote->client->phone }}
    • Fax: {{ $quote->client->fax }}
    • Mobile: {{ $quote->client->mobile }}
    • Email: {{ $quote->client->email }}
    • Website: {{ $quote->client->web }}
  • User Account Information
    • Name: {{ $quote->user->name }}
    • Company: {{ $quote->companyProfile->company }}
    • Address: {{ $quote->user->formatted_address }}
    • Phone: {{ $quote->user->phone }}
    • Fax: {{ $quote->user->fax }}
    • Mobile: {{ $quote->user->mobile }}
    • Website: {{ $quote->user->web }}

Example Subject:

Quote #{{ $quote->number }}

Example Body:

<p>To view your quote from {{ $quote->user->name }} for {{ $quote->amount->formatted_total }}, click the link below:</p>

<p><a href="{{ $quote->public_url }}">{{ $quote->public_url }}</a></p>

Invoice Email Template

The variables listed below can be used in the following fields in System Settings on the Email tab:

  • Invoice Email Subject
  • Default Invoice Email Body
  • Overdue Email Subject
  • Default Overdue Invoice Email Body
  • Upcoming Payment Notice Email Subject
  • Upcoming Payment Notice Email Body
  • Invoice Information
    • Issue Date: {{ $invoice->formatted_created_at }}
    • Due Date: {{ $invoice->formatted_due_at }}
    • Number: {{ $invoice->number }}
    • Status: {{ $invoice->status_text }}
    • Summary: {{ $invoice->summary }}
    • Public URL: {{ $invoice->public_url }}
    • Terms: {{ $invoice->formatted_terms }}
    • Footer: {{ $invoice->formatted_footer }}
    • Total Amount: {{ $invoice->amount->formatted_total }}
    • Amount Paid: {{ $invoice->amount->formatted_paid }}
    • Balance: {{ $invoice->amount->formatted_balance }}
  • Client Information
    • Name: {{ $invoice->client->name }}
    • Address: {{ $invoice->client->formatted_address }}
    • Phone: {{ $invoice->client->phone }}
    • Fax: {{ $invoice->client->fax }}
    • Mobile: {{ $invoice->client->mobile }}
    • Email: {{ $invoice->client->email }}
    • Website: {{ $invoice->client->web }}
  • User Account Information
    • Name: {{ $invoice->user->name }}
    • Company: {{ $invoice->companyProfile->company }}
    • Address: {{ $invoice->user->formatted_address }}
    • Phone: {{ $invoice->user->phone }}
    • Fax: {{ $invoice->user->fax }}
    • Mobile: {{ $invoice->user->mobile }}
    • Website: {{ $invoice->user->web }}

Example Subject:

Invoice #{{ $invoice->number }}

Example Body:

<p>To view your invoice from {{ $invoice->user->name }} for {{ $invoice->amount->formatted_total }}, click the link below:</p>

<p><a href="{{ $invoice->public_url }}">{{ $invoice->public_url }}</a></p>

<p>{{ $invoice->user->formatted_address }}</p>

Payment Receipt Email Template

*Starting with version 2021-1 and later, the Payment Receipts email body is stored in a blade template. It was previously available in a text area within System Settings->Email.
This change was necessitated by a restriction of payment handling in versions 2021-1 and later, as payments can now be applied to multiple invoices, as well as stored as pre-payments.
The way in which you reference many of the payment receipt variables has changed as well.
The new template may be found here: .\app\Modules\Payments\Views\payments\paymentReceiptBody.blade.php. This is the default template.
In order to customize it, you must create a copy of this file and place it in .\custom\templates\email_templates\payment\paymentReceiptBody.blade.php.

The variables listed below can be used in your payment receipt email subject:

  • Payment Receipt Email Subject
    • Payment Date: {{ $payment->formatted_amount }}
    • Payment Amount: {{ $payment->formatted_paid_at }}
    • Remaining balance of the payment: {{ $payment->formatted_numeric_remaining_balance }}
    • Payment Method: {{ $payment->paymentMethod->name }}
    • Payment Note: {{ $payment->formatted_note }}

The variables listed below can be used in your custom payment receipt email body:
If you intend to reference the invoices paid by the payment, you must reference them using the paymentInvoices table inside of a loop. Use the default paymentReceiptBody.blade.php as a reference.

  • Default Payment Receipt Body
  • Payment Information
    • Payment Date: {{ $payment->formatted_paid_at }}
    • Payment Amount: {{ $payment->formatted_amount }}
    • Open/unapplied balance of the payment: {{ $payment->formatted_numeric_remaining_balance }}
    • Payment Note: {{ $payment->formatted_note }}
    • Payment Method: {{ $payment->paymentMethod->name }}
  • Invoice Information
    • Issue Date: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->formatted_created_at }}
    • Due Date: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->formatted_due_at }}
    • Number: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->number }}
    • Status: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->status_text }}
    • Summary: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->summary }}
    • Public URL: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->public_url }}
    • Terms: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->formatted_terms }}
    • Footer: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->formatted_footer }}
    • Total Amount: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->amount->formatted_total }}
    • Amount Paid: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->amount->formatted_paid }}
    • Balance: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->amount->formatted_balance }}
  • Client Information
    • Name: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->client->name }}
    • Address: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->client->formatted_address }}
    • Phone: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->client->phone }}
    • Email: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->client->email }}
    • Website: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->client->web }}
  • User Account Information
    • Name: {{ $payment->user->name }}
    • Company: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->companyProfile->company }}
    • Address: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->user->formatted_address }}
    • Phone: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->paymentInvoice->invoice->user->phone }}
    • Website: {{ $payment->paymentInvoice->invoice->user->web }}

Example Subject:

Thank you for your payment of {{ $payment->formatted_amount }}

Example Body:

Please reference your installation .\app\Modules\Payments\Views\payments\paymentReceiptBody.blade.php