Product Documentation


About FusionInvoice - 2024

Document Numbering Schemes

What are Document Numbering Schemes?

How do I Create a New Document Numbering Scheme?

What variables can be used in the format field?

What are Document Numbering Schemes?

The Document Numbering Scheme feature allows you to set separate numbering systems for different types of quotes and invoices. It is possible to have a single invoice group and a single quote group (which is the default setting), or have many groups with many different numbering systems, depending on your needs.

For example, you might need your invoice numbers to start over each year, or you might have two different companies that both use the same FusionInvoice installation and need a way to differentiate quotes and invoices.

How do I Create a New Document Numbering Scheme?

You can find the Document Numbering Scheme setting in the system settings menu at the top-right of your FusionInvoice installation. Go to 'Configuration' then 'Document Numbering'.

document numbering schemes

To create a new Document Numbering Scheme, click the "New" button near the top-right of the page.

The following fields will appear:

  • Name - The name of your invoice or quote numbering scheme.
  • Type- The type of document it is for: invoice, quote, or credit memo.
  • Format - The format of your invoice or quote numbers.
  • Next Number - The next number that should appear on your invoice or quote.
  • Left Pad - The number of zeros that should be placed before your invoice or quote number.
  • Reset Number - How often your numbers should reset
document numbering schemes form

What variables can be used in the format field?

  • {NUMBER} - The number of the invoice or quote, starting with the number in the "next number" field.
  • {YEAR} - The year the invoice or quote was created. i.e. - "2019".
  • {MONTH} - The number of month the invoice or quote was created. For example, if the invoice was created in November, it would display "11".
  • {MONTHSHORTNAME} - The 3-letter abbreviation of the month the invoice or quote was created. For example, if an invoice was created in March, it would display "MAR".
  • {WEEK} - The week number of the year the invoice or quote was created.

Note: You are free to use any text before, after, or in between variables.
