Product Documentation


About FusionInvoice - 2021


How to Upgrade to FusionInvoice 2021-1.7 from FusionInvoice 2021-1.x

Before Starting - Backup Your Database and Site Files

Your database can be easily backed up using the 'Download Database Backup' button at the top of the System Settings page. Use an FTP utility such as FileZilla or direct file access from your hosting control panel to download a copy of your site files.

Step 1: Ensure your system meets the FusionInvoice 2021 System Requirements

Step 2: Download the latest package

Log into your account at, ensure your support/update plan is up to date, and download the latest package. Save it locally to your computer.

Step 3: Unzip the package

Navigate to the downloaded install package and unzip the contents into a temporary folder on your computer.

Step 4: Delete these folders and files

Delete these folders from the FusionInvoice installation on your server:

  • Folders
    • app
    • assets
    • bootstrap
    • database
    • resources
    • vendor

    Step 5: Upload the folders and files

    Upload the following folders and files from the installer package to the FusionInvoice folder on your server:

    • Folders
      • app
      • assets
      • bootstrap
      • database
      • media
      • resources
      • vendor
      • All files from the extracted file's root folder

    It is recommended that you use a standard FTP program such as FileZilla to upload the files to your server.

    Step 6: Clear Caches

    Delete all existing files from within the following directories:

    • /Bootstrap/cache
    • /storage/framework/cache
    • /storage/framework/views
    • /storage/framework/sessions

    Step 7: Complete the database upgrade

    This step involves running the setup process, which performs all the new version updates to your FusionInvoice database.
    To avoid caching issues that could cause a failed upgrade and general unhappiness, we recommend that you run the update in a private/incognito browser window . If you wish to run the update in your normal (non-private) browser window, first close your browser. If you have multiple browser windows open, you must close them all.
    From the newly opened browser window, navigate to http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/setup. If your http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/setup produces an error, try using http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/index.php/setup instead. When finished, your database will be updated. Once this step is completed, you will be able to log back into your upgraded FusionInvoice system.

    How to Upgrade to FusionInvoice 2021 from FusionInvoice 2020, 2019, 2018, or 2017

    Before Starting - Backup Your Database and Site Files

    Your database can be easily backed up using the 'Download Database Backup' button at the top of the System Settings page. Use an FTP utility such as FileZilla or direct file access from your hosting control panel to download a copy of your site files.

    Step 1: Ensure your system meets the FusionInvoice 2021 System Requirements

    There were many requirement changes from the previous version. This is an important step.

    Step 2: Download the latest package

    Log into your account at, ensure your support/update plan is up to date, and download the latest package. Save it locally to your computer.

    Step 3: Unzip the package

    Navigate to the downloaded install package and unzip the contents into a temporary folder on your computer.

    Step 4: Copy your license and Database information

    In previous releases, it was possible to transfer your license key and database information by copying the older files. Due to important modifications to the code within those files, that is not possible with this release.

    Copy the following section, which will be contain your database connection information, from the /config/database.php of your existing installation into a separate text file.

                    'mysql' => [
                        'host'      => 'yourhost',
                        'database'  => 'yourdatabasename',
                        'username'  => 'yourusername',
                        'password'  => 'yourpassword',
                        'prefix'    => '',
                        'driver'    => 'mysql',
                        'charset'   => 'utf8',
                        'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
                        'strict'    => false,

    Copy your license key, which should be in the section that looks similar to the code below:

                    'key' => 'YourLicenseKeywillbehere',

    Step 5: Delete these folders and files

    Delete these folders from the FusionInvoice installation on your server:

    • Folders
      • app
      • assets
      • bootstrap
      • config
      • database
      • resources
      • vendor

      Step 6: Upload the folders and files

      Upload the following folders and files from the installer package to the FusionInvoice folder on your server:

      • Folders
        • app
        • assets
        • bootstrap
        • config
        • database
        • media
        • resources
        • vendor
        • All files from the extracted file's root folder

      It is recommended that you use a standard FTP program such as FileZilla to upload the files to your server.

      Step 7: Clear Caches

      Delete all existing files from within the following directories:

      • /Bootstrap/cache
      • /storage/framework/cache
      • /storage/framework/views
      • /storage/framework/sessions

      Step 8: Enter your license and Database information

      Find the following section of code in /config/database.php and replace it with the information from the old database.php file in Step 4.

                      'mysql' => [
                          'host'      => 'yourhost',
                          'database'  => 'yourdatabasename',
                          'username'  => 'yourusername',
                          'password'  => 'yourpassword',
                          'prefix'    => '',
                          'driver'    => 'mysql',
                          'charset'   => 'utf8',
                          'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
                          'strict'    => false,

      Enter your license key into /config/app.php.

                      'key' => 'Enteryourlicensekeyhere',

      Step 9: Change media folder permissions

      The media folder will require recursive read, write, and modify permissions.

      Step 10: Complete the database upgrade

      This step involves running the setup process, which performs all the new version updates to your FusionInvoice database.
      To avoid caching issues that could cause a failed upgrade and general unhappiness, we recommend that you run the update in a private/incognito browser window . If you wish to run the update in your normal (non-private) browser window, first close your browser. If you have multiple browser windows open, you must close them all.
      From the newly opened browser window, navigate to http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/setup. If your http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/setup produces an error, try using http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/index.php/setup instead. When finished, your database will be updated. Once this step is completed, you will be able to log back into your upgraded FusionInvoice system.

      *In rare instances users have reported the following error when attempting to upgrade:
      "SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1118 Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 8126"
      This is due to an incompatible Row Format setting. Please check the Row Options set on your FusionInvoice database's tables and change the setting to "Don't Use" or "Dynamic".
      It is recommended that you change the setting on all tables within your FusionInvoice database. Below is an example command to run, to change the settings for your client table:

                       alter table clients ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC;

      How to Upgrade to FusionInvoice 2021 from FusionInvoice 2016

      Before Starting - Backup Your Database and Site Files

      Your database can be easily backed up using the 'Download Database Backup' button at the top of the System Settings page. Use an FTP utility such as FileZilla or direct file access from your hosting control panel to download a copy of your site files.

      Step 1: Ensure your system meets the FusionInvoice 2021 System Requirements

      There were many requirement changes from the previous version. This is an important step.

      Step 2: Download the latest package

      Log into your account at, ensure your support/update plan is up to date, and download the latest package. Save it locally to your computer.

      Step 3: Unzip the package

      Navigate to the downloaded install package and unzip the contents into a temporary folder on your computer.

      Step 4: Copy your license and Database information

      In previous releases, it was possible to transfer your license key and database information by copying the older files. Due to important modifications to the code within those files, that is not possible with this release.

      Copy the following section, which will be contain your database connection information, from the /config/database.php of your existing installation into a separate text file.

                      'mysql' => [
                          'host'      => 'yourhost',
                          'database'  => 'yourdatabasename',
                          'username'  => 'yourusername',
                          'password'  => 'yourpassword',
                          'prefix'    => '',
                          'driver'    => 'mysql',
                          'charset'   => 'utf8',
                          'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
                          'strict'    => false,

      Copy your license key, which should be in the section that looks similar to the code below:

                      'key' => 'YourLicenseKeywillbehere',

      Step 5: Delete these folders and files

      Delete these folders from the FusionInvoice installation on your server:

      • Folders
        • app
        • assets
        • bootstrap
        • config
        • database
        • resources
        • vendor

        Step 6: Upload the folders and files

        Upload the following folders and files from the installer package to the FusionInvoice folder on your server:

        • Folders
          • app
          • assets
          • bootstrap
          • config
          • database
          • media
          • resources
          • vendor
          • All files from the extracted file's root folder

        It is recommended that you use a standard FTP program such as FileZilla to upload the files to your server.

        Step 7: Clear Caches

        Delete all existing files from within the following directories:

        • /Bootstrap/cache
        • /storage/framework/cache
        • /storage/framework/views
        • /storage/framework/sessions

        Step 8: Enter your license and Database information

        Find the following section of code in /config/database.php and replace it with the information from the old database.php file in Step 4.

                        'mysql' => [
                            'host'      => 'yourhost',
                            'database'  => 'yourdatabasename',
                            'username'  => 'yourusername',
                            'password'  => 'yourpassword',
                            'prefix'    => '',
                            'driver'    => 'mysql',
                            'charset'   => 'utf8',
                            'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
                            'strict'    => false,

        Enter your license key into /config/app.php.

                        'key' => 'Enteryourlicensekeyhere',

        Step 9: Change media folder permissions

        The media folder will require recursive read, write, and modify permissions.

        Step 10: Complete the database upgrade

        Visit http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/setup in your web browser. If your http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/setup produces an error, try using http://YourFusionInvoiceURL/index.php/setup instead. This step will upgrade your database. Once this step is completed, you should be able to log back into your upgraded FusionInvoice system.

        Step 11: Custom Templates

        If you are using custom quote and/or invoice templates, there are some changes you'll need to make. If any of these exist in your custom template(s), they should be changed as follows:

        For custom invoice templates:

        Change this: To this:
        $invoice->user->company $invoice->companyProfile->company
        $invoice->user->formatted_address $invoice->companyProfile->formatted_address
        $invoice->user->phone $invoice->companyProfile->phone
        $invoice->user->fax $invoice->companyProfile->fax
        $invoice->user->mobile $invoice->companyProfile->mobile
        $invoice->user->web $invoice->companyProfile->web
        $invoice->user->address $invoice->companyProfile->address
        $invoice->user->city $invoice->companyProfile->city
        $invoice->user->state $invoice->companyProfile->state
        $invoice->user->zip $invoice->companyProfile->zip
        $invoice->user->country $invoice->companyProfile->country
        Logo::size(width, height) $invoice->companyProfile->logo(width, height)

        For custom quote templates:

        Change this: To this:
        $quote->user->company $quote->companyProfile->company
        $quote->user->formatted_address $quote->companyProfile->formatted_address
        $quote->user->phone $quote->companyProfile->phone
        $quote->user->fax $quote->companyProfile->fax
        $quote->user->mobile $quote->companyProfile->mobile
        $quote->user->web $quote->companyProfile->web
        $quote->user->address $quote->companyProfile->address
        $quote->user->city $quote->companyProfile->city
        $quote->user->state $quote->companyProfile->state
        $quote->user->zip $quote->companyProfile->zip
        $quote->user->country $quote->companyProfile->country
        Logo::size(width, height) $quote->companyProfile->logo(width, height)

        How to Upgrade an Add-on

        Step 1: Download the add-on package

        Log into your account at and download the add-on package to upgrade. Save it locally to your computer.

        Step 2: Unzip the add-on package

        Navigate to the downloaded Add-on package and unzip the contents.

        Step 3: Upload the add-on folder to your server

        Upload the unzipped add-on folder from your computer to the custom/addons folder on your server and let it merge/overwrite the existing folder. It is recommended that you use a standard FTP program such as FileZilla to upload the folder to your server.

        Step 4: Upgrade the add-on

        Log into your FusionInvoice install and go to System -> Add-ons and press the Upgrade button for the add-on if it appears. If the Upgrade button doesn't appear, then no further action is required and the add-on should be upgraded and ready to use.
